Sunday, April 27, 2014

Book #5: Time's Echo (A Kindle Novella) by Rysa Walker

Rating: 5/5 
(Summary from goodreads) 
Kiernan Dunne abandoned his family ties to help Kate fight the Cyrists, and he's never regretted that for one moment. But he doesn't understand why Kate can't remember that night in 1893 Chicago, when she turned back to face the killer chasing them through the smoky corridors of the World's Fair Hotel. Kate placed the CHRONOS key around his neck and made his eight year old self promise to wear it always, and that's a promise Kiernan has never broken.
When Kate suddenly vanishes after a Cyrist-engineered time shift, that hidden medallion is Kiernan's only hope for finding her. He returns to the Cyrist fold to look for clues, but his search will lead him back to the question that has haunted him for years--what really happened after he left Kate at the World's Fair Hotel?

Let me get one thing straight: I will always love Trey! But nonetheless, I thought the perspective of this novella was very peculiar (in a good way, of course) and interesting. In this book, we find out why Kate loses her memory of Kiernan and more about the wild and "pudgy" character, Simon. After reading this novella, I've grown familiar with the character Kiernan and as of now, I am totally rooting for him. Sorry Trey. 
I think the best part of this novella was revisiting the part where Kate (not Kieran's Kate) met Kiernan on the subway, and where Simon grabbed Kate's bag. In all honestly, you couldn't get away with just reading the first book. But if you're definitely a Kiernan and Kate lover, by all means. Even so, you should surely check out this little novella. 

Also for all you Trey and Kate lovers out there, this book definitely gives you a new perception on Kiernan. You might just like him a little better after reading this book. 

That's all for this review! Please check out this amazing novella. Rysa, you never cease to amaze me. Also check out Rysa's interview in the blog archives. 
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