The Warlock by Michael Scott (#5 of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Title: The Warlock 
Author: Michael Scott 
Pages: 380 
Overall: 5/5 Check it out! 

In the fifth installment of this bestselling series, the twins of prophesy have been divided, and the end is finally beginning.

With Scatty, Joan of Arc, Saint Germain, Palamedes, and Shakespeare all in Danu Talis, Sophie is on her own with the ever-weakening Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. She must depend on Niten to help her find an immortal to teach her Earth Magic. The surprise is that she will find her teacher in the most ordinary places. 

In the fifth installment of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series, it had a lot more magic, betrayal, and... romance? Yes, romance! It was basically a jumble of many things happening at once. 

For anyone who hasn't had the time to read the series, this is a series worth reading. I would like to briefly summarize this book in a few sentences, if I may. The book follows Sophie and Josh Newman and Perenelle and Nicholas Flamel on an thrilling adventure to seek the end to a new beginning. Why do I sound so cryptic today? Basically, they were looking to save the world from mortal destruction and... the Dark Elders, dun dun dun! As their'journey goes on, they confront many dangerous creatures and make some unlikely allies. But will new allies, comes more betrayal. Yes, many betrayals that even a mage- a person who can see the future - couldn't predict. 

This book was definitely more unorganized than the last 4 books. I was confused at some parts and intrigued at others. The entire group was more or less separated throughout the entire story. Josh, Dr. John Dee, and Virginia Dare were looking to destroy humanity and mar the fate of San Francisco by unleashing the filthy monsters of Alcatraz on the innocent city. The Italian, Machivelli and his unlikely ally, Billy the Kid actually switch sides and decide to save the city from tragic disaster. On the other hand, we had Sophie, Perenelle and Nicholas, Niten, Odin, Hel, and Mars Ultor looking for a way to secure the monsters on Alcatraz and bring Dr. John Dee's reign to an end once and for all. Finally we had Scathach, Joan of Arc, Saint Germain, Palamedes that went back in time tens and thousands of years ago, back to the fall of Danu Talis. There, they hope to secure the fall and ensure the survival of the humans.

More or less, I really enjoyed this riveting installment to the previous books. It had a touch of danger but at the same time, I could feel that sadness swelling in my eyes. Josh was the most disappointing aspect of this book. SPOILER ALERT *read at your own risk* Josh truly chose world domination over his sister. I was just... I can't even explain my feelings in words. OMG and in the end.. a dramatic scene takes place. Sophie and Josh find their real parents!

Tomorrow, I am going to finally finish the last installment of this series! You don't even know how ecstatic I am. But... I also have some high expectations for the final book. The story should end with a big BOOM! So far, this series has done nothing but impress me. I hope it continues to be like that, and I can finally declare this series as my best series of 2014!

My Expectations:
1. More action (even though there is so much already).
2. More romance.
3. Unfortunately, I wish to see Perenelle and Nicholas Flamel die. Sad, I know. But I like sad story endings.
4. I want to see Scatty return home from Danu Talis!

If you haven't already checked out my reviews for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th book to this series, the links will be provided below!

The Alchemyst (#1)
The Magician (#2)
The Sorceress (#3)
The Necromancer (#4) 

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1 comment

  1. This series looks interesting!

    Thanks for nominating me for the Liebster award, I was very excited when I read your comment! : )
    You can read my post here


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