Her OutSpoken Lips by Monroe Ariel

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Title: Her OutSpoken Lips
Author: Monroe Ariel
Published: September 15th, 2014
Pages: (ebook version) 21 pages
Genre: Poetry

What do you do when someone is destined to bring you down? Do you speak up or do you stay silent? How far are you willing to go when someone pushes you to the edge? Do you see others in a different light when they go too far, and does it make it worst when it's family or friends? The Her OutSpoken Lips Collections dives into the theme of how one woman sees herself and others when faced with no so pleasant circumstances. The collection also expounds on a young woman who persevered through hell and what she witnessed and experienced along the way. Her OutSpoken Lips tell it all! Please follow Monroe Ariel on http://monroeariel.tumblr.com/

Buy it now:
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This is a whole new genre for me! I haven't read any collections of poetry since, say, the 5th grade! I was delighted when Monroe Ariel came to me with a poetry collection. As you guys know, I love reading new genres and trying specific types of writing. My comments about this book will be subtle. And I'm glad to report that I did, indeed, enjoy this book! 

Starting with the versatile writing style of the poems. I enjoy poems that rhyme (because that's me) but I thoroughly flew past this book and found myself shaking my head, agreeing with the author's words. These poems are nothing too complex and cryptic. They were relatable and pretty simple to decipher. My favorite and most relatable poem called "Never Satisfied" had me shaking my head ferociously! It's absurd how some people always scorn the things I do right but appreciate the things I do wrong. The poem really made me realize that I shouldn't be pleasing anyone but myself. Now any masterly written poem makes you think and feel, which I feel these poems had no problem in accomplishing. 

Ariel's poems tell of a story and each poem had their own unique story. She starts with the main idea of the story and expands from there in a very lyrical, rhythmic technique. And in terms of what kinds of story, they were consisted of poems about different types of women being pushed too far to the edge. One poem in particular really stood out to me. "Naked and Wet" is a moving and motivational poem about a young woman who has been maltreated and, finally, was pushed too far! I'm not gonna spoil it so you're just going to have to pick up the book to find out what happens next!  

Need an easy poetic read with poems full of eccentric themes and morals? Monroe Ariel's collection of poems couldn't be a more perfect fit. Although I wouldn't necessarily give this book the golden five star, it was definitely something I really enjoyed picking up! And there were some technical errors here and there. In all honestly though, I would have never picked up this book on my own. Once again, thankful for all these amazing authors sending their books in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinions. But I mean c'mon! You can't go wrong with poetry!
Monroe Ariel
Monroe Ariel is a very passionate writer and a lover of fedoras. She wears one almost every other day. She has always had a love for writing. At a very young age, she would always speak out on issues and that has followed her into her adult life. She believes writing and expressing thoughts is one of the most powerful creations in the world. Monroe also believes that the lips are very commanding and sometimes we don't realize how much strength they have to bring about change and growth. Lips voice the soul, and it's one of our greatest assets. The Her OutSpoken Lips Series is a project Monroe holds very dear to her heart, and there is a Part II to this collection that is out now at Amazon and Smashwords. Writing is Monroe's haven, and she is living her dream by her works being published. Monroe has numerous novels in the works and to find out about all her groundbreaking info follow her at World of Monroe Ariel.

A Message from the Author
I want to first say Thank You to anyone that has read my works. I appreciate the support and the love. Also, surround yourself with positive people and know that you are the greatest person that every walked this earth even if other try to put you down in the process. Thank you My Great People! I call anyone that is a fan or supports me the Monroe Greats. 

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  1. OMG The cover!!! :D I'm not much of a poetry reader though...
    Book Maniac Reviews

    1. No biggie. I don't normally read poetry books either. I made an exception for this author but ended up loving it!

  2. Sounds like a decent batch of poetry. Great review!


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