Helix: TV Show Review

Friday, November 28, 2014

Are you guys liking the TV Show reviews? If so, just comment down below so I know to do more in the future. Today we'll be talking about the hit TV show, Helix. Without further ado, let's get into the review! 

Helix is an amazingly, fast-paced sci-fi tv show series. It's one of the most action-packed shows I've seen since The 100. Okay so we start off with the first scene of the first episode. A mysterious virus pops up in a medicinal research sector in the Arctic. The premise was really what got me going. It was enough to keep me hooked in only the first 10 minutes of the first episode.

If you're not into blood and demon-ish looking villains, don't watch this TV show! It's a SyFy Original Series, and this has probably been the first good one they have made in years. I hated some of the characters who were so annoying and did some stupid and arrogant things. But I guess that comes with all good Sci-Fi shows.

The special effects were exactly on point! It was quite scary, and it doesn't help that I watched this show in the dark of midnight.

If any of you have recently heard or seen this show, then comment down below and just tell me what you thought. It's on Netflix if you ya'll want to check it out!

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  1. Ooh this sounds really cool! I'll have to check it out sometime though I don't have SyFy or Netflix...hopefully my library gets the season.
    I love your TV show reviews so much! It's such an awesome idea :)

    ~Carina @ My Addiction:Books

  2. The premise looks pretty awesome but I'm not a fan of watching demoniacal stuff. I can't watch it if I want to sleep at night LOL
    Oh, and I do like the TV shows reviews so keep them coming =)

    1. I'll make sure to review something more of your interest :D

  3. The best plan for collecting TV series is to look at buying the series in sequential order. This way, you can easily tell what series you need to buy next and what series you might be missing.


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